Thursday, March 10, 2011

A new outlook

I spend a lot of time each day thinking about my life and how it has changed. Sometimes I find that it is hard to adjust to the changes, and sometimes it is obvious to me that I want nothing more than what I have right this very second. We recently added our second child to the family, and with that has come a lot of reflecting and thoughts about where we are.

I wanted to change this blog a bit, in an effort to allow myself to get the stuff in my head out in words. It will still serve as a way to update family and friends, and all of my posts won't be all sappy and though driven. But I wanted to take it a little beyond just random pictures of the kids. I hope that other parents out there will be able to read and relate to some of the stuff we have going on.

Most of all, I want it to be a place where I can reflect on this beautiful life we have made for ourselves, with that life centered around these two precious girls. So here I go, to find the light in each day and allow myself to learn to become the mom I want to be.

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