Seriously, it's like this, I love it. But it's exhausting. O is always trying to carry A somewhere. A loves it about 30% of the time, screams the rest of the time. I am always yelling no to O to prevent her from yanking the baby's arm out of socket. She seriously seems to not have a clue that this could actually be painful to her sister. On that note:
We are clashing a lot lately, the 3 year old and I. She is testing her limits so bad, and we are both such emotional people, it is not always pretty. I never thought I would be that mom. The one that yells at her kid. But I have done it a few times lately. And every time I open my mouth, I know good and well that it doesn't work. But I am SOOOOO frustrated at the sheer disobedience. She is the kid that I tell no once, nicely, in my really sweet mommy voice, then she will look at me with this "hahahaha" look in her eyes and do it again. On purpose. Again, and again. Time out is my method of choice, but she isn't seeming to get it lately. Afterwards, I will ask her why she went to time out, and she will (crying) say "because I don't like time out! I don't want to go to time out, and you say go to time out Olivia." Um, no, it's because you yanked a toy out of your sister's hand for the 4574th time today, thus making her cry, and then laughing at her, and I couldn't take it anymore.
She has never been a tantrum kid, until the last few days. All the sudden, she is the kicking, screaming, being hauled out of a store by me kid. I cannot even fathom that she would do this if she Daddy was with us. She has never acted like this while he was around. Something is different about being with me. What is it? Sister is 8 months old. This behavior from big sis is new. I am sure it is related to little sis, but I can't imagine it would have come on this fast. What has changed? Someone help!
Does anyone have any good toddler discipline ideas? I have no clue what to do with her right now.