Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy First Birthday Olivia!

I cannot believe it is finally here. This year has flown by, for sure. When I woke up this morning, I said to Matt, "this time last year, we were in a hospital room, and after 2 hours of sleep and a C-section, they brought Olivia in to nurse. She was so tiny!" In so many ways it feels like yesterday, but it also feels like she has been here forever. 

Of all the fun ideas I have read about doing for birthdays, the one that stuck out to me was to write a letter to Olivia every year and seal it, then when she turns 18, she can read them all. Matt and I will both write her one. I think it's a sweet idea!

Here are some more birthday pictures, and there are tons more to come from the festivities this weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Birthday pics preview

Well apparently someone is playing a mean trick on me and my precious little baby is turning one in ummmm, 2 days. We got her 1st year pictures back the other day and they are super cute! I will post a few each day thru Friday. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Christa's Wedding!

Last night, my best friend, Christa got married :) and :( It was emotional! I was the matron of honor and Olivia was the honorary flower girl. We had a great time and Olivia was the prettiest one, besides Christa!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We love Cheerios!p

Every morning, I get up with Olivia and feed her breakfast. Then when Matt gets up and fixes his breakfast, Olivia always eats at least half of it, which I think it adorable!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Olivia's birthday gift

So my mom and stepdad, my dad, and Matt and I went in together to get Olivia this awesome playset from Sam's for her birthday. There are of course things on it she can't use yet, but she can do a lot of things on it, and I am so excited for it to be done. 

We had quite a day putting it together, though we didn't get done. It will be complete tomorrow! It was an interesting combination of people putting it together and here are some pictures of the day! 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Every night I watch the same show

When I was pregnant, I insisted upon getting a video monitor since Olivia's room is upstairs and ours is down. When I first put her in her room, at about 2 months old, I couldn't sleep because I was always staring at her on the monitor. This is not a problem anymore!

I came home the other night after a wedding rehearsal, and Matt said Olivia had been sleeping like this for hours. Note that she is at the top of her crib, laying the "wrong" way. It was just about the cutest thing, so I had to restrain myself from going in there and hugging her!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

11.5 months

Someone tell me that does not in fact mean my baby is about to be a year old. I wonder how I am really going to take that. Why does it seem so emotional? I made a slideshow the other day to play at her birthday party and I cried. Some combination of the music we chose and the pictures just made me lose it. I feel like we have been through so much in the short time of a year. And it feels like she has been here forever. Ok, I'm done with that. I am sure there are many more emotional "one year" posts to come. On to some happy stuff!

Here are some new pictures of Olivia!
Guess who got her first tooth! And the second one is well on its way, as you can see. It was a week from hell, but it came through and we had a couple good days. Then the second one started, and the moodiness came back. Along with the 5 am wakeups....

This is her new favorite position. Especially when there is a dog on the couch to play with. 

Hello all!

Well, it's amazing it took this long for me to jump on the wagon (off the wagon? I never understood this expression...). I finally decided to start blogging about our life, and I hope that some of you are interested! 

You will find a LOT about Olivia, I am sure, as she is growing and changing every day, mostly for the better (except that red-headed temper she's getting!). You will see that I use a lot of exclamation points, and parentheses, and sometimes I use bad words. If any of that bothers you, don't read it!

I hope that you find this blog fun, funny, and maybe sometimes useful!